Cooking a Crazy Delicious Rabbit: An Illustrated Guide
You are about to learn how to cook a rockin' awesome rabbit. Ingredients you will
need are in bold.
Before you start you will need to obtain a rabbit. The easiest way to do this is to find one in the wild (see below).
It will be cute. Infact, the cuter rabbits are more tender, so keep an eye out. Shoot it. Then skin it and gut it. Now you are ready to begin.
- Thaw the rabbit if frozen. Note: Putting the rabbit in a plastic bag and into a bowl of water makes it thaw a lot faster.
- Make a baste for the rabbit. This can really be anything but the ingredients in the one pictured are below:
- Olive oil
- Lemon Juice
- White Wine
- Salt and Pepper
- Rosemary
- Coat the rabbit in the baste with a brush. Note: At this point, it may or may not look like an aborted fetus. Don't be scared.
- Put the rabbit on a spit. You may need to tie it down with twine to stabilize it.
- Put the spit on the BBQ, which should already be hot. Put the rotisserie burner to medium. Underneath you will want a pan to catch the drippings.
- A while later it will be cooked, and look browned on the outside. Keep the temperature low enough so it doesn't burn and the drippings don't boil dry. Take it off the BBQ and spit.
- Create side dishes (mashed potatoes, whatever) and gravy from the drippings if desired. Carve the rabbit and discard the bones.
- Enjoy the rabbit with some appropriate beverages.
Pictured: Niagara Brewing Company's Pale Ale and cheapo Saw Mill Creek Wine leftover from basting.